November 13, 2023


Texture Maker launches Chewco Bake KaaS (Knowledge-As-A-Service), a professional bakery training solution with augmented reality. In a quality-driven industry, this online platform aims to provide baking pros with all the tools necessary for not just meeting, but exceeding customer expectations.

Considered recession-proof by many, the baking industry is one of the most profitable industries to start a business. Consequently, more and more entrepreneurs are willing to invest in the bakery industry, but they are facing challenges of how to get started:

  • Time and Expertise:  The constant consumer demand for innovative bakery products drives bakeries to introduce new items on a regular basis. But conceptualizing, developing, refining, and launching these items demands time and expertise. Many establishments struggle to access resources and guidance, hampering growth opportunities.

  • Cost Barriers:  Due to the high costs of traditional bakery training methods, many bakers or bakers-to-be resort to self-education via online resources. However, this approach often lacks the depth needed to get a grasp of the detailed baking processes and techniques needed for consistent quality. The result is product variability that curbs businesses' potential.

The solution? Introducing Chewco Bake KaaS, a solution designed to empower bakery professionals to overcome these challenges and thrive in a competitive market. 

Revolutionizing Training: Chewco Bake KaaS

Using AR technology, Chewco integrates recipes with smart glasses to provide a more convenient and efficient learning experience to both seasoned and aspiring baking pros.

🥽 Seamless Learning via Smart Glasses

Cutting-edge technology is at the core of Chewco Bake KaaS. Smart glasses with voice control allow hands-on learning, eliminating video distractions. This immersive approach ensures mastery of critical techniques.

👩‍🍳 Guided Troubleshooting by Experts

Baking complexities find solutions in Chewco Bake KaaS. Real-time assistance from remote specialists, coupled with electronic whiteboards, fosters direct interaction. This personal touch minimizes errors and elevates skill development.

🌐 Comprehensive Subscription Model

The Chewco Bake KaaS subscription caters to bakery entrepreneurs. The comprehensive offerings include video tutorials, recipes, and smart glasses (deposit-based, free with 3 years subscription).